Asim Khan has been accused of holding extremist views regarding extramarital relations. This is a misrepresentation of Asim’s beliefs.
- Firstly, Asim Khan adopts the Islamic – as well as the predominant view of most religious people in the world – that extramarital practices are sins in the eyes of God.
- Secondly, Asim does not call for the hatred, violence or discrimination against any person who indulges in such practices. On the contrary, Asim has an open dialogue with all people of faith and no faith, and offers Islamic advice to anyone who seeks it.
- Thirdly, Asim believes that the normative Islamic laws pertaining to extramarital relations are not to be imposed on any member of the community. All views expressed regarding the traditional Islamic teachings in lectures are for only academic purposes, exercising his right to freedom of speech.
In summary Asim does not call for any aggression and hatred towards anyone. He believes in helping humanity spiritually and philosophically, and he would never behave unjustly with them as this would be a major sin in Islam.